Office Networking Solutions
Office networking comprises of space and power, installation, advanced software and hardware, security, support and development from the IT professional. It's hard to maintain office network properly. Office network should provide you data and application which can give you proper information to work together. Office network should be transparent enough to work properly.
Best office networking comprises of computers so that you can access required things any where through internet connections. Office networking is made to offer you benefits so that you can get proper resources. With proper office networking your workers can work from any place in the world and are available 24hours for their services. There will be no issues of space and time if you channelize your office network to work from home.
We can help you:
- router administration
- firmware updates
- airport administration
- software update (airport)
Sharing an Internet Connection
- types of broadband
- firewalls and port forwarding
- restricting internet access
- good internet habits
- internet connection sharing (windows)
- internet connection sharing (mac)
Sharing Files Over a Network
- windows workgroups
- user accounts (windows)
- simple file sharing (windows)
- advanced file sharing (windows)
- user accounts (mac)
- simple file sharing (mac)
- advanced file sharing (mac)
- windows/mac file sharing
- managing network passwords (windows)
- keychain (mac)
- file sharing and firewalls (windows sp1)
- file sharing and firewalls (windows sp2)
- file sharing and firewalls (mac)
- offline folders (windows)
- sharing printers and peripherals (windows)
- sharing printers and peripherals (mac)
- printing to a network printer (windows)
- printing to a network printer (mac)
- printing to a mac printer from windows
- remote desktop (windows)
- remote desktop (mac)
Other Types of Network Sharing
Wireless Networks
- introduction to wireless
- placing a wireless basestation
- wireless router administration
- airport administration
- installing wireless cards in laptops
- installing airport cards in macs
- installing wireless cards in PCs
- wireless settings (windows sp1)
- wireless settings (windows sp2)
- explaining encryption
- WEP encryption (windows)
- WPA-PSK encryption
- disabling SSID broadcast
- MAC address filtering
- extending an airport network
Hacks, Tricks, and Other Cool Things
- linking hubs pt1
- linking hubs pt2
- wireless access point
- wireless access point part 2
- wireless access point part 3
- ad-hoc network (windows)
- bridging networks
- troubleshooting strategy
- pinging (windows)
- network place won't appear (windows)
- intermittent wireless connections