Firewall Security
Take the headache out of maintaining your crucial first line of defence against malicious threats with our managed firewalls.
How to Set Up a Home Network
Are you confident that you can protect your company's data and applications against constantly evolving security threats? Firewalls are a key part of the security infrastructure, but managing multiple firewalls across many sites can be a drain on your resources. Our managed firewalls take this complex management out of your hands, delivering lower start-up and operating costs and better scalability.
Our solutions: single to multi-tiered firewalls
To meet your specific security requirements, we provide independent design expertise and a number of different technology options. Our tailored managed firewall services range from entry-level firewalls through to highly available firewalls pairs that can be deployed in a multi-tiered configuration for business critical infrastructure.
All of our managed firewalls also support a range of virtual private network (VPN) functionality including client, site-to-site and SSL.
Key benefits of our managed firewalls
Maximum uptime: we monitor the service 24x7 and offer full hardware support to ensure maximum uptime and availability;
Up-to-date protection: we update and upgrade the firewall platforms automatically to provide effective protection against new vulnerabilities;
Optimised performance: we optimise the performance and security of the managed firewall at all times with regular policy reviews and recommendations;
Overhead-free remote access: by integrating the VPN service with our managed firewall you can enjoy secure remote access with no additional administrative overhead;
Multi-layered security: our managed firewalls support multi-layered security by allowing you to add application-level security and intrusion prevention.